Asher is 60 weeks old today! 1 year 1 month and 4 weeks....
Asher's appt was changed to 1pm so we wouldn't have to leave so early in order to be there for the original appt at 8:30 am.
So Asher's appt was a success! Dr. T says he is doing amazing...(as a mom just what i wanted to hear) he is somewhat concerned about his speech being delayed, so he wants to get him speech therapy...along with continuing his physical occupational therapy......Asher's head circumference is up to date with his age but he is still behind on weight and height....but we knew that...from his pediatrician..but I have no idea how my little guy can still be behind on weight when all he does is eat, eat, eat! hahhahaha. But like Dr. T said with him being 10 weeks early he will be somewhat behind at least until possibly his 2nd birthday when he may catch up!.... Dr T wants to see Asher again in 6 months so we can see where he is at then and if any delays in any developments.....A lot of delays may not even begin to show up until his 2nd birthday. That is when we will do another MRI test to determine the outcome of his bleeding on his brain. So still playing the good ol waiting game, but glad to hear my little guy is doing well for now! :D
Asher's appt was changed to 1pm so we wouldn't have to leave so early in order to be there for the original appt at 8:30 am.
So Asher's appt was a success! Dr. T says he is doing amazing...(as a mom just what i wanted to hear) he is somewhat concerned about his speech being delayed, so he wants to get him speech therapy...along with continuing his physical occupational therapy......Asher's head circumference is up to date with his age but he is still behind on weight and height....but we knew that...from his pediatrician..but I have no idea how my little guy can still be behind on weight when all he does is eat, eat, eat! hahhahaha. But like Dr. T said with him being 10 weeks early he will be somewhat behind at least until possibly his 2nd birthday when he may catch up!.... Dr T wants to see Asher again in 6 months so we can see where he is at then and if any delays in any developments.....A lot of delays may not even begin to show up until his 2nd birthday. That is when we will do another MRI test to determine the outcome of his bleeding on his brain. So still playing the good ol waiting game, but glad to hear my little guy is doing well for now! :D
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