Mommy and daddy leave today for the airport in Vegas for their trip they will be gone until next sunday...A whole week without them...What are we going to do????
Becky is coming @ 9am for my 24 month evaluation....Now that I am 2 there is no more adjusted age it is real age from here on out....
Becky is very impressed with how well I am doing.......(she thought that I would be behind in certain areas due to the taking away of the adjusted age but I am actually in the clear in all areas, I am in the grey in a few areas so we will contunue to watch them and work on those certain areas as we progress..)
Becky from Azip is coming this morning @ 9am to do Asher's evaluation for his adjusted age 21 months... She says he is still doing really well for where he should be..they are worried that as of his 2nd birthday they will see a substantial difference/decline in certain areas though due to the adjusted age no longer being in effect...We will just have to see what happens..Will my little guy show them???.....we will soon see!
So mommy and daddy arrived in the afternoon to pick us up and head back home to Az....A long road trip ahead! Grandma said I did amazing while mommy and daddy were away! (out of sight out of mind)
Let's hope for the same in April (cruise) when they are gone for longer but at least this time Grandma is coming to us so I will be in the comfort of my own home!
Mommy and daddy got up early this morning and got ready to head out to the Ville.....3 nights and 3 1/2 days with out them....I havent been without them since I was in the hospital when I was born......this should be interesting.....
So tonight after daddy gets home from work we r leaving to head to my grandma's in Camino CA...We r going to stay with grandma while mommy and daddy go to a wedding that mommy is in up In Nor Cal........Road trip!
I woke up very sniffly and have a very runny nose....eghhhh gross.......must be this crazy weather we are having one day it is 78 degrees and then it is super windy and cold the next...welcome to the Desert! seasons are changing and I was bound to get a cold at some-point.....I dont like it when I dont feel well! I am super clingy.......and whiny!
How exciting that in just 2 short months I will be a big 2 year old! We are working on planning my party..I am having a Pirate Theme..because one of my favorite words right now is RRRRRRRRRRR! I sound just like a little pirate! LOL
Katie(Asher's physical therapist) and Becky from A-zip will be here @ 9am....
I work @ 9am so Mark will be the one sitting with them for the session....
A few concerns would be stacking small blocks, eating better with a spoon, and his vocabulary still shooting for 250 words by his 2nd birthday which is only 2 months away......They are still going by adjusted age which he is 20 months adjusted age so Becky went over the evaluation for his 20 month milestones......At 2 years they do away with adjusted age and he jumps into normal age of being right with other 2 year olds...So we will see how that works out with where he is at milestone wise....
Well the journey so far has been amazing.........Now here in just 3 short months I will be turning the big "2" and get ready for the second half of my journey throughout life because it only gets better from here!
One of my resolutions this new year is to stay on top of my blog! And lots of exciting changes in store to come!
I am a super busy person always on the go.....,I am 34, I am married with three beautiful girls and (finally) one handsome little guy. I have been a stay at home mom until 2 years ago, I went back to work PT that had turned into fulltime work and now is back to PT work(yey). I also homeschool my 7 year old for 2nd grade and 5 year old for kindergarten. I plan to open my own boutique in the hopefully near future,this is my passion and dream in life.I am working diligently on starting a business as we speak, it is a stepping stone to two other businesses that we hope to open in our future.I am so excited its official TrnDDvize.I love anything craft related....I am just a big Kid who will never grow up on the inside.....One Crazy Individual....I love a good time!